
AEM Development - Configuring System User / Login Service

 AEM Development - Configuring System User / Login Service

  1. How to create a System User in AEM
  2. How to set up access rights to System User - accessing JCR Repository / Nodes
  3. How to set up a user with Usermapper Service
System User Background:
Prior to AEM 6.2 version, System Users are not required to access OSGi Services in AEM
After depreciation of Login Administrative method , now Adobe suggested to create and configure System User for all session to access OSGi services.
To access the JCR nodes in the repository , authentication is required to properly set up access control and secure the data from unauthorized access or corruption.
For regular request processing authentication is handled by Sling Authentication subsystem 
On the other hand there are also some background tasks to be executed with access to the resources. Such tasks cannot in general be configured with user names and passwords: Neither hard coding the passwords in the code nor having the passwords in – more or less – plain text in some configuration is considered good practice. 


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